LANAP Surgery Near Me: Looking For The Best LANAP Surgery Near Me

Gum disease can cause pain, bleeding, and other unpleasant symptoms. Routine dental exams and cleanings can help prevent gum disease, but patients often need treatment when it progresses.   Traditional gum surgery uses a scalpel to remove bacteria and decrease the depth of periodontal pockets. LANAP is a non-invasive alternative that eliminates bacteria and preserves healthy tissue. For more LANAP surgery near me reviews, click here.   How Does LANAP Work? LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure) uses a medical laser to remove bacteria-infected tissue around the teeth and stimulate the growth of new bone, cementum, and periodontal ligaments that tether the teeth to the gums. This high-tech treatment is less invasive than traditional surgery and has the added benefit of no sutures, which speeds healing and comfort.   During LANAP, we use the PerioLase MVP-7 to gently trim away diseased tissue that covers your roots and then place a fibrin clot that secures the pocket. We then brushed and flossed the area and scheduled a follow-up appointment for periodontal maintenance. It helps you avoid future tooth loss and severe several health problems. The short-term benefits of LANAP include less pain, swelling, and recovery than traditional procedures.   How Much Does LANAP Cost? The cost of LANAP will vary based on the severity of your gum disease. This procedure is less expensive than traditional treatment for severe periodontitis; your insurance may also cover it.   Unlike traditional gum flap surgery, which cuts and peels the gum tissue away from the roots and bone, LANAP removes infected pockets of bacteria without harming healthy tissue. It also stimulates tissue regrowth, improving your teeth’ strength and reducing your risk of tooth loss.   Who Is a Candidate for LANAP? If you’ve been diagnosed with periodontitis, have a lot of plaque under the gum line or have loose teeth, you could benefit from LANAP. This minimally invasive treatment for gum disease uses laser light to remove bacteria and encourage tissue regeneration. It’s less painful than traditional surgery and requires no cutting or sutures.   The neodymium: yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd: YAG) laser used in LANAP can be delivered precisely to your gums without damaging healthy tissue. It allows us to treat deep pockets and promote tissue regrowth with greater comfort.   How Long Will LANAP Take? LANAP can reverse and cure gum disease, including gingivitis and advanced periodontitis. It’s a safe, non-invasive procedure that uses an FDA-approved laser to destroy harmful bacteria and promote gum tissue regeneration. Unlike traditional surgery, it can save loose teeth that would otherwise be lost. It is also safe for most patients, even those with health conditions or taking medications.   LANAP involves very little recovery time, with most patients returning to regular activity immediately. Some sensitivity and discomfort are expected, but over-the-counter pain medication can usually provide sufficient relief. Compared to traditional flap surgery, it’s less invasive and causes less gum recession, so you’ll enjoy a more natural appearance with your smile. However, the mouth must heal for ten days, and it is essential to follow your dentist’s instructions regarding eating only soft foods and liquids. For more LANAP surgery near me reviews, click here.   How Do I Find a LANAP Dentist Near Me? LANAP is minimally invasive and provides more comfort than traditional gum surgery. Patients report less pain, bleeding, swelling, post-procedure sensitivity and a quicker recovery time.   A periodontist can evaluate your mouth and determine whether gum disease is present. Often, the mildest forms of gum disease will resolve with regular brushing, flossing and rinsing. However, when symptoms of inflammation and bleeding persist or worsen, you may need to visit a dentist for more intensive treatment options. Traditionally, the most invasive procedure used to treat gum disease is traditional gum surgery. During the procedure, a surgeon will use scalpels to cut away diseased tissue and bacteria. During this process, the patient will experience pain and blood loss. Fortunately, there is now an alternative: LANAP laser treatment. The LANAP procedure is much less painful, and recovery is faster than traditional gum disease treatments.